May 4, 2018
18:00 - 20:00
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
18:00 - 20:00
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
EMB IEEE Student Chapter AUTH invites you to a lecture of the Substitute Professor in the department of Chemical Engineering AUTH, Mrs Aggeli, on Friday 4/5 at 18:00 in the General Assembly Hall of the Polytechnic Faculty (building D, across the elevators) concerning the field of Nanomedicine, what it entails and which are its applications.
The human body is comprised of a variety of nanostructures, necessary for its proper function. The understanding of the destabilisation mechanisms of these natural nanostructures, the way those are linked to pathologies as well as the way to create new nanostructures that can communicate properly with the already existing ones are only a few of the topics that are going to be discussed. Furthermore, we are going to browse through several nanotechnology applications in medicine as diagnostic tools or means of treatment as they are very promising technologies on the field of medicla research! Join us!