October 12, 2016
October 12, 2016
17:00 - 18:00
Terma Magnisias, TEI Of Central Macedonia, STEF building Class 302
17:00 - 18:00
Terma Magnisias, TEI Of Central Macedonia, STEF building Class 302
At 12 Oct. TEI Of Central Macedonia Student Branch will organize an IEEE Semester Conference so all students, can meet us, see what we do with projects, show what we have achieved, what we are working on, and our plans for the current semester. Our councelor, Dr. Dimitrios Eystathiou will be the head speaker of this conference, whitch is an experienced proffecor in signal and systems, wireless communication systems and broadband communications. He know the value of been a member in IEEE, since that he is a member since mid 80’s. We invite you to participate, interact with us, exchange new ideas, and tell us what you re thinking and what do you want to achieve. #MeetIEEE for the betterment of humanity.