December 12, 2017
16:00 - 18:00
Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center (KEDEA), Thessaloniki
16:00 - 18:00
Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center (KEDEA), Thessaloniki
The EMBS IEEE Student Chapter AUTH invites you to a bioengineering workshop under the topic of “Brain Connectivity Networks”, on Tuesday 12/12, 16:00 in KEDEA. Mr Dimitris Kugiumtzis, professor of the ECE Department in AUTH will firstly present a theoretical analysis of his scientific subject and then he will follow with a hands on workshop in MATLAB.
When studying complex dynamic systems from multi-variable timeseries, like the brain and the stock-market, the basic principle is the estimation of the connectivity structure of the observed variables that represents the inter-connected subsystems. Firstly, we estimate the driver – response connections between the observed variables and then we form the complex connectivity network where the nodes are the observed variables and the connections represent the estimated inter-contingencies. A basic practical topic in this analysis is the estimation of the directly oriented contingencies within the multiple variables. To face that, we would have to use a dimension reduction method, like the ones the research team of Prof. Kugiumtzis is currently developing through linear models and information measures. Lastly, during the hands-on workshop, the framework of the multivariable timeseries connectivity analysis will be presented and will further be applied in analysing electroencephalograms (EEG) in order to imprint the brain connectivity networks. Studies in cases of epilepsy through inter-skull magnetic stimuli will also be presented and analysed.
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