Event description

The IEEE Student Branch of University of Thessaly (Lamia) in collaboration with the Intelligent Systems Laboratory of the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, organizes an online seminar titled “I.T. Applications in Healthcare”, on Friday, May 21, at 18:30 (UTC+03).


The program of the webinar is as follows:

18:30 – Webinar Introduction
18:40 – “eHealth Infrastructures in Greece” by Dr. Karanikas Haralampos, Lecturer and member of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory at the University of Thessaly, eHealth Senior Researcher at the University of Athens (Medical School), Secretary General of the Hellenic Society of eHealth Services & Education, and eHealth Consultant in Athens Medical Society
19:25 – Questions and discussion
19:40 – “Random Projections in Data Mining Applications” by Tasoulis Sotirios, Assistant Professor and member of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory at the University of Thessaly
20:25 – Questions, discussion and closing


The webinar will be conducted in Greek. The event will be held on Microsoft Teams and will be open to the public. You can participate in the webinar through this link or through your institutional account, by entering the team code wgmuoy1. We hope to see you there!